Age Progression Transformation Stories

Age progression transformation stories example

  1. Age Progression Transformation Stories Examples
  2. Age Progression Transformation Stories Pdf
  3. Age Progression Transformation Stories Female

Age Progression Transformation Stories Examples

Age Progression Transformation Stories

Age Progression Transformation Stories Pdf

The typical Age Progression story usually has children as victims, who will increase drastically in physical age but not mental maturity. Unlike Age Regression this usually occurs all. “Age Progression,” Anthony said, slightly blushing. I'll even chat with you online about the details if you'd like. I specialize in stories that involve a transformation of some kind - physical, emotional, or otherwise - but I'm happy to write about whatever idea has caught your fancy. A college student reads a fascinating age regression story with incredible side effects. Onward Christian Soldiers A President's political advisor and is infected with an experimental virus to question/brainwash him.

Age Progression Transformation Stories Female

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AP Stories
Stories where somebody is made physically older. They may or may not be restored to their original age by the end of the story.

StoriesOrder By: Title | Last Added | Last Updated
Becoming Jessica Rabbit
Description: All Lisa ever wanted was to be like her favorite cartoon character on the Roger Rabbit movie. But what would happen if that wish did came true, and at what cost?
Genre: Female AR/AP - Rating: PG - Created On: 27 January 2007 - Updated On: 27 January 2007 - Total Chapters: 1 - Completed: Yes
Big Brothers
Description: A story commissioned and inspired by Sarah. A new Parkdale teen agents takes on his first assignment.
Genre: Male AR/AP, Female AR/AP - Rating: PG - Created On: 29 December 2016 - Updated On: 29 December 2016 - Total Chapters: 6 - Completed: Yes
Author:Emma Finn
Description: Veronica Carter is an amoral young gold digger who wants it all, but when she breaks into the safe of her fiance's elderly grandmother she finds an item that might make her rich but will exact a terrible price. A female to female transformation.
Rating: G - Created On: 23 March 2015 - Updated On: 23 March 2015 - Total Chapters: 1 - Completed: Yes
i wish to be order
Author: N/A
Description: Dr. Drskken has invented a Atom destroy. First he tests it on an egg. Instead of it be destroyed, the egg became a chicken.
Genre: Female AR/AP - Rating: PG - Warning: Diapers - Created On: 02 February 2007 - Updated On: 03 February 2007 - Total Chapters: 1 - Completed: Yes
Mad Science
Description: A brother and sister piss off a mad scientist with an age ray. 70 pages of AP shenanigans ensue. (Just about every type of female Age Progression happens)
Genre: Female AR/AP - Rating: X - Warning: Strong Sexual Content - Created On: 19 August 2011 - Updated On: 20 August 2011 - Total Chapters: 12 - Completed: Yes
Mall Photo
Author: N/A
Description: An AP Story with some humor and lust
Genre: Female AR/AP - Rating: PG - Created On: 05 September 2006 - Updated On: 05 September 2006 - Total Chapters: 1
Need Help: Send Tuna
Description: Leif gets a strange surprise the day he decides to visit his roommate's family. Not only are they excellent cooks, but their daughter has a secret all of her own. Is it good or bad? That's for Leif to decide, isn't it? Either way, he's in for much more than he bargained for. (This is a story I commissioned to praedatorius [from DeviantArt]. HE WROTE THIS, NOT ME. He has giving me permission to post this story here.)
Genre: Female AR/AP - Warning: Strong Sexual Content - Created On: 12 February 2012 - Updated On: 12 February 2012 - Total Chapters: 2 - Completed: Yes
Proof of Age
Author:Emma Finn
Description: A teenage girl makes a bargain to increase her age in the hopes of gaining freedom for her and her boyfriend to be together but being older is not all it’s cracked up to be and she may just have made a terrible mistake. A female to female magical weight-gain and age-progression transformation.
Genre: Female AR/AP - Rating: G - Created On: 11 March 2016 - Updated On: 11 March 2016 - Total Chapters: 1 - Completed: Yes
Rapid Development
Description: A 5 year old boy and his friends are turned into 15 year olds by a fortune teller. Now they have to deal with being older, acting more mature, and high school. (P.S. Ignore the description saying that it's complete. It really isn't.)
Genre: Male AR/AP, Female AR/AP - Rating: PG - Created On: 01 June 2017 - Updated On: 17 September 2017 - Total Chapters: 3 - Completed: Yes
The Chronathalon
Description: An Olympic AP event! 20 women compete in a race that takes a lifetime to compete.
Genre: Female AR/AP - Rating: X - Warning: Diapers, Strong Sexual Content - Created On: 22 September 2016 - Updated On: 22 September 2016 - Total Chapters: 1 - Completed: Yes
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