Silkroad Gm Commands


jay, jay jay
  1. Silkroad Gm Commands 2.0
  2. Silkroad Gm Commands Gold
  3. Silkroad Gm Commands
  4. Silkroad Unique Gm Commands

HD Silkroad GM Emulator Chinese + European + 11dg - Duration: 3:34. ZeraPain 28,466 views. Language: English Location: United States Restricted Mode: Off History Help.

  1. Roll call of the Wolf. /makeitem ITEMCOSPFLUTE 0. White Wolf summon scroll. /makeitem ITEMCOSPFLUTEWHITE 0. /makeitem ITEMCOSPJINNSCROLL 0. Three-legged black roll call. /makeitem ITEMCOSPRAVENSCROLL 0. Penguins roll call.
  2. WoW GM Commands. Let’s get straight into the GM commands that you can use in-game on your WoW Private Server. The WoW GM commands are based on TrinityCore. If you don’t know what TrinityCore is, don’t worry. Most of these commands will work right out the bat by default. Keep in mind that the list is huge. The good news is that a there’s.

Silkroad Gm Commands 2.0

For the moderation, read first:
I want to make a test in this forum, how tutorials are approved and what manner did you judges, then approve or disaprove. For this reason, this topic is just a test.
The moderator that see the topic first, please, can you answer me this questions? That's a freaking doubt and it is bothering me a lot. I want to improve some systems of feedback and content, so I need some experience in this area. To you guys:

Silkroad Gm Commands Gold

-What the avaliation method for the posted tutorials?
-And if it was been disapproved, what you do?
-And if it was been approved, what you do?
Silkroad gm commands listSilkroad Gm Commands-People can send comments in the tutorials that have not received an avaliation yet?

Silkroad Gm Commands

Silkroad Gm CommandsThis is all I need to know, sorry for any incovenience that It may cause. For the topic doesn't stay in blank, there as a couple of GM commands below:
How to teleport ur Game Master (GM) or Community Manager (CM) on your OT/the ot u are GM/CM on.
Just write /a and the numbers of SQM (squaremeters) you want to teleport.
Example: /a 2 = teleport 2 steps forward
Making Items
How to make items with your CM/GM character.
I don't know how to explain this one but I'll try my best!
To make 1 item like a sword. Write
/n sword 1
Or u don't have to write 1 in the end. Just make a space. like /n sword . (without . )
When you make cash or other items that u can have in bigger amounts like apples/GP you need say
/n gold coin 100
for 100 gold coins. U see that? U need write the item first then the amount. And don't write /n gold coinS with S. Just gold coin.
Add Magic Levels/Skills/Levels with ur CM/GM.
/addskill NAME, level
to make a character advance lvl.
/addskill coronal, level
/addskill coronal, sword fight
/addskill coronal, magic level
No space after that u wrote it!
'buy' houses with ur GM/CM
Walk into a house and just write /owner NAME
/owner coronal

Silkroad gm commands generator

Silkroad Unique Gm Commands

Sorry for the bad english.